Okay, SO, I am PRETTY darn excited to write this blog today. So many fun topics, and I will be using a lot of humor! Hehehe :D I am just really hoping none of the guys that I dated (awkward dating moments) after I had Ashlynn are reading this... Although I know my fiancee is haha :]
Pregnancy!!! Wooohoo! Babies! That's how we all got in this situation, yes? Haha. I am just being random and hyper today, so just go with it ok?! Alright.... Where to even start!! I got pregnant and was considered a "high risk pregnancy" because of my Celiac disease, so my experiences may not apply to all of you! I had 4 ultrasounds in my pregnancy: 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 20 weeks, and 32 weeks. I got HUGE like a WHALE and could barely stand up (haha no joke). At the end, well the last month or so I experienced false labor like the whole month and took many trips to the hospital. I knew at about 20 or so weeks that I would be having a C-section due to the fact I couldn't push a baby out or there would be some SERIOUS issues! So that was a great big ball of fun. I had Ashlynn by scheduled c-section at 39 weeks exactly. I went in at like 5 that morning (October 14th) and I sat and cried the whole time they were prepping me, aka I was FREAKING out. I was so scared and didn't think I was ready to have a baby. I think it's a lot different when you have the time to sit there and think about it verses when you are sitting there in labor going "get this baby the %^&* outta me!!" But I was extremely happy once she was out and in my arms, then the PAIN hit. Those of you who think you WANT a c-section, you be crazzzy. It feels like your skin is ripping apart at the seams and you can't do anything without it hurting worse than any pain I have ever felt in my life (I now laugh at people who think getting shots hurt and getting piercings, etc. I laugh in their FACE!!!) Recovery takes way longer and majorly sucks. I also breastfed until about a week ago when she stopped taking it. It made me lose a lot of weight super quick and allowed me to eat anything I wanted! I highly recommend it! It is also WAY easier than formula feeding. I hate formula!! Anything else, feel free to ask :]
Tough days... hmmm. There are quite a few days where I think I am going to lose my mind. Sometimes I just have to take a step back and breathe and look at my blessings. I have a great family, a beautiful daughter and a wonderful fiancee, if her dad wants to be a jerk, let him because I have a GREAT family without him! She is such a blessing she seems to make each and every day better. There are also the days where I just think "DANG I wish I would have just kept it in my pants and everything would be SOO much easier" but, even those days I can't imagine my life without Ashlynn, nor would I want it to be without her! So when you think you are at the end of your rope, step back and count your blessings and you may realize how great you really have it!
Awkward dating moments, or dating in general. I went on my first date in December (she was born in October) I was super nervous and awkward and felt terrible about leaving her since it was the first time I had been away from her for more then like 20 minutes. He was someone I was friends with pre-Ashlynn which made it a little easier, I spent most of the time texting my mom about her and/or telling him Ashlynn stories. We only hung out one other time after that, we decided we were at different points in our lives. The other guy I went on a date with, ended up meeting Ashlynn on the first date, she was a tag along. He was ok with her, but inevitably it didn't work out between us either. Then I met my fiancee, we met online and talked for along time before meeting, and he adores Ashlynn as much as I do. So I guess I got lucky in the sense that I didn't have to go on many dates before I found him. I think when you have kids it's almost easier to meet someone online, then they know at least what they are getting into before they get really involved. Here's a tip: when you are on the first date with a guy, it's typically NOT a good idea to bring up baby-poop stories... yeah... not so attractive I guess, even though it's a part of our daily lives!!
So that wraps that blog up! Be sure to follow on facebook @ The Life of a Single Teen Mom. Make sure to post questions/comments and new blog topics. I am open to blogging about anything you throw at me! Keep sharing!! <3 Lisa!
lol lisa, I love reading ur blogs, I can definetly relate to the stuff about dating. Im currently dating a guy ive been friends with way before Nataleigh came along, an it is hard because im starting to realize we're both on different pages. I care alot about him but being with him doesnt feel right anymore. Is it true to let a guy come to you, because im starting to think thats just false info to make us have some faith..i still find myself hoping for naties dad an I to work things out an be a family..i hate this!