Saturday, June 18, 2011


***This is to address the comments and emails I have been getting!***
Haters gonna hate... I say this as I listen to Taylor Swift's "Mean" (I recommend you listen to it). I have been getting a lot of hate mail along with the good things lately. So I would like to take some time to explain myself. I am not here to sit and complain about my life. My life is GREAT. I love my daughter more than anything in the whole world and I spend all my time with her. Besides working (which is required, unless you want me to live off the government so you can b**** me out for that too!!) and when she is with her father. YES, OMG, she does spend time with him!! I don't "keep her from him" no, she goes to his house 3 times a week. When I blog, or do a 2-5 minute vlog she is usually sleeping or with him!! I don't "sit on my ass and complain about how much my life sucks all day" NO. You don't know me! You don't sit and watch me through the window ALL day. I watch my daughter, I don't just sit her in front of the tv all day, thank you very much. I do have to cook and clean, like any NORMAL mother!!! So yes, she occasionally does watch EDUCATIONAL tv!! When I vlog it takes a total of about 5-10 minutes MAX. So no, I don't neglect my child. I didn't create this page to complain about my life, I am simply SHARING my life experiences with other girls that need that to RELATE and need help, which is why they "liked" the page in the first page. Next, don't sit and tell me that my daughter is a blessing because I ALREADY know this. She is the greatest blessing in my whole life, and I love her, I do not complain about her. I am not super fond of her father, but if all of you knew the whole story behind him and I, YOU WOULDN'T EITHER... So don't judge me or my situation until you know the whole story. I am not going to sit and lie to my readers and say oh yes he is the number one dad ever!! I also never said that fathers have no rights. I simply said fathers don't have rights unless they step up and claim them, which some men never do. Every man is obliged to pay child support if they want to stick their d*** in a girl and take that risk. So don't tell me I'm a bad mother for needing that extra help!! I'm sorry I can't afford school, staying home to watch her and only getting to work 25ish hours a week. I am not a bad mother, when you can become a single father and give up your whole life, FRIENDS, activities, school, work, goals, EVERYTHING, then you can sit and tell me I am a terrible mom doing the devils work and filling girls with lies. No, this page was created so that I could bring awareness to the hardships teen pregnancy causes, and give support to teen mothers!!! Not so you stupid ignorant jerks could judge my life. You know what? If you don't like me, don't like the PAGE and don't read these or watch the vlogs, its REALLY that simple. Oh, and if you are going to insult me, please feel free to go back to school and learn how to spell your own family member's names, and how to spell or form proper sentences in general, that'd be sweet! Also, you should probably learn the truth before you go and judge someone you have never met. (Notice I am still not complaining about my life but about how annoying YOU are!) If you had any intellect you would realize that I don't need to be talked to about God because I quite frequently mention him in my blogs, and I am a Christian, I just choose not to shove it in everyone's face and piss people off which you seem to enjoy doing. So, you don't need to post on my blogs and my vlogs how much I suck as a mother because I already know I am a better mother then any of you will ever be fathers. So kill me for spending 5 minutes making a vlog that helps hundreds of girls, while you spend 5 minutes making a comment that makes only you feel good about yourself and makes someone else feel like shit. Yet you sit and call yourself a Christian? HOW IN THE WORLD ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN EXACTLY?! I am not quite sure what bible you are reading, but perhaps you need to check out a new one. I am helping girls who may not have anyone else, and what are you doing to serve your purpose to God? Being a jerk? Trying to think you know it all? (The bible specifically says that's a NO-NO, do I need to give out verses?) This blog and facebook page is my calling from God. To help others. So if you don't like my advice or comments, the way I look or say things, then you know what? That is YOUR problem. Not mine. I have plenty of people who have my back. Yeah, you know what? I am going to be bitter about her father screwing me over for awhile and I am entitled to that. So go ahead and say all you want about me, but I know the truth and that's what really counts. I knew coming into this that I would have "haters" I just never thought that they would all be so stupid!!

So you know what? Feel free to call me whatever you want, because you know who the only person who knows the truth is? God. And who is the only one who can judge me? God. So call me a bad mom, a whore, a b****, a whiner, a devil, WHATEVER. I have enough to deal with in my life that I don't need your dumb comments, so at least have the balls to post your name when you post, and be ready to be removed from pages, I am not going to sit and take crap from anyone. I have been there and done that. Hey look, still not complaining about my life!!! There is a difference between telling a story and complaining, perhaps you go back to middle school and learn it and perhaps mature a little while your there!

Okay, rant finished. The "you" in this blog refers to multiple people, just so you all know. I'd rather not hear posts or comments if you are going to be negative, so only post happy posts here please. Make sure you go to the facebook page also! I will be back to answering fan questions on Monday or possibly Sunday. Sooo feel free to post those topics too! Sorry you all had to hear this, but people were asking, so here is your answer!! <3 Lisa


  1. I LOVED THIS! I think you really do help single teen moms, but you also help me, a single 21 year old mom! Please keep doing what you're doing and don't listen to the haters. Only losers can spend their day bashing on stuff they don't know about. I get the same stuff when I talk about how my son's father is, but those are the people that don't know the truth or understand what I'm saying. Let the losers be losers and keep doing you and keep being a great mom to your daughter!

  2. I get the same stuff, when I'm on Facebook, that I'm neglecting my son or I'm bad a mother because they think I like throw him in his crib or starve him to go on FB. I know being a single mom is a hard, full-time job, there are moments throughout the day when you get 5-10 minutes to yourself, or more if their sleeping. People are so ignorant.
