Sunday, June 12, 2011

Last Names & Post-Baby Body!

So these are both user submitted topics that I am super excited to write about. I know I have been putting it off for a few days, but hey, I'm a mom... I'm allowed to be busy, right??! If you are following the facebook page, we are having a "dare" to post pics of your post-baby tummy. If we get 15 users to submit photos I will post mine! We only need 11 more the last time I checked!! So go get to it! (well, if your reading this on the correct day haha 6/12/11) Okay, so, here it goes!!

Last names: I believe that unless you are married to the man that you should give the baby YOUR LAST NAME. I strongly believe this. I have seen too many instances where they think they are going to get married (I was almost one of these) and end up giving the child his last name only to break up and have to go back and change it later. If you are not married, don't give them his last name. I do NOT care if you are planning on getting married, even if your engaged. Nope, nope, nope. Do not do it! There is too high of a chance for it to fall through, then you are stuck with the expenses of fixing the name or the constant nagging reminder of what could have been. My daughter has my last name, and I am very glad she does. He does not deserve to have this child named after him, not even close. When you get married it's a lot easier to change their name to match his then the reverse. So just don't do it, PLEASE.

Loving your post-baby body... Something easy to do... YEAH RIGHT. If anyone out there was like me, aka skinny as a freaking rail, then actually gaining some weight was like devastating to me! I hated being "chubby" but now my fiancee has half convinced me that my post baby body isn't all that bad (ok, he says its sexy, but I'm choosing to be stubborn)... I think that is something that every mom goes through, the feeling of "oh my gosh I'm horrible since I have this flabby tummy now!" Which is why I set up this dare, I want everyone to feel totally confident and sexy!! You know what girls? You ARE! You had a baby in your belly for 9 months, that is totally sexy! You should be proud of that body, it did an amazing thing! So don't be afraid to flaunt your body. There are plenty of nasty girls out there wearing bikini's who have never even had children so really, don't feel bad about yourself! BE PROUD!

Make sure you check out the facebook page and "like" it and go to the youtube channel and check out the vlogs! Keep posting your comments//topics and stories! I love them!! Thank you guys for making our page
reach 308 likes! Keep sharing! <3 Lisa!

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