Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to Raise YOUR Child; The RIGHT Way!

"Well when I had MY baby, I used cloth diapers, it's so much better for him." "Well, I use only organic baby food, you're poisoning them!" Tired of hearing other people telling you the "right way" to raise YOUR child? Well, welcome to motherhood!! Home of the women-who-think-they-can-do-it-better-then-you society. So from the time you get pregnant until you die, be prepared for judgment, and "advice." Honestly there is no right or wrong way to raise a child (aside from the obvious neglect of course). So do whatever you think is right and fits your family. There are going to be the women who think daycare is the end of the universe and if you put your kids there they are going to get sick and die... but hello! We are single mothers! Not super hero's! I personally do not put my child in daycare, but I am also not against it either. Even mothers who choose to work to help support their families, it is not a crime to work or to have to place your child in daycare. Every woman is going to bring her child up differently, based on their upbringing, not yours. Everyone is going to have different opinions and ideas of how to raise a child and you just can't let it get to you. I just ignore when people say "well I do this and this" unless I ask for their advice. Don't get me wrong, some advice is good advice, especially when you are not sure what to do in a certain situation. But don't feel obligated to take all of it to heart. Never let someone tell you are a bad mom based on the way you do things. So just simply tell them "thanks, but no thanks, I believe in doing things this way" and if they persist on it, just leave the situation! Take the good with the bad, but don't take it to heart! Everyone thinks they are right, so just smile and wave!! Ignore it if you have to, but there is no guaranteed way to make it stop! (Other then to maybe just punch them in the face and walk away? haha, I don't recommend that one though!)

SORRY for the delay in this blog, I know there are more topics, but life has just been crazy busy right now. If you did not see it on facebook I GOT ACCEPTED TO COLLEGE! YAY!!! So, that's super exciting for me!! Also means I will be busy, but keep posting your topics and I will get to them ASAP! Thanks everyone, keep sharing the page!!! <3 Lisa!

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