Saturday, July 23, 2011


So basically all of the topics I was asked to write about, come back to the main idea of guilt. So this is what I will be talking about!!
Between working lots of hours, or going out, everyone is bound to feel guilty at some point. So I am going to break this down into 2 parts, working and going out.
Part one: Going out. EVERYONE needs to get out at some point. You can be the best mother in the world, but when you get worn down, you won't be! You won't be good to yourself or your child. You will be frustrated and easily annoyed, and little things will get to you. You need to get out, to be a better parent. Everyone needs time away from their kids to recharge. It's going to be hard, yes, but it something that needs to be done! You will have guilty feelings, I know when I go out I do. I feel like I'd rather be with Ashlynn. I think about her constantly, and text my mom to see what she is doing. But you need those moments, because if you never go out, then you never get a chance to recharge. Taking a break is normal, that's why babies have (or are intended to have) 2 parents. So if you don't have a helper, find one! You shouldn't feel guilty doing something that's going to make it better for both you and your baby/children.

Part two: Work. You have to work as a single parent. It's that simple, unless you want to live off your parents for the rest of your life. So its either working or going to school, or both. You are going to feel guilty for having to work and being away from your child for so long. I hate working 9 hour days and being gone from her, hate hate hate hateeeee it! But if you think about it, you are doing it to provide a better life for your child and to give them the things they need, so you are not a bad parent at all but in fact an excellent one. You are doing what you need to do to give your child the best life possible. You are doing more then the non existent dad is, so you should feel proud, not guilty.

I hope this helps at least a few people, I am scatterbrained tonight since I have been going off of little sleep this last week with a teething 9 month old (agggggggggggh!!) so make sure you keep posting your questions/comments/topics... I love hearing them!! <3 you all SOOO much! ~ Lisa!

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