Monday, May 30, 2011

My History

So, I though for this blog I would just tell you a little about myself, my history and my inspiration for doing this. So here it goes :]

When I was 16 and at the end of my Sophomore year of high school I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Basically what that is, is the inability to digest wheat, rye and barley and your body attacks itself thinking that those are harmful things (also known as an autoimmune disease). So I went through a lot of hell that summer and the next year, I basically lost all my friends because I was always sick and never wanted to hang out. I started to pray and get closer to God at this point. I ended up going to school half days my junior year and teaching myself AP classes. That was a really really rough time in my life, and I was determined to make senior year better. It all started out good and that's when I met Ashlynn's dad, we will call him "X". X and I had algebra together and he tried to pick me up on a daily basis. My original goal was to join the Army reserves, until they wouldn't let me in because of my disease. So then X and I started dating and a few months later I was pregnant. He told me he wanted to marry me, so he was the first guy I had ever been with. I wasn't really into God very much at this point, as he tried to stray all my views from it. Then, he cheated, and we broke up the first time, we tried to make it work two more times, and the last time I was 8 months pregnant and he cheated with a so called friend, who he thought he had gotten pregnant, turns out she wasn't or she got an abortion... wouldn't surprise me since she had another one later on.... but that about sums that up so far.

About a month or so after I had Ashlynn I started getting back into my faith again. I did meet my fiancee through and I am so thankful for that. We share pretty much all of the same ideas in our faith. Shortly after we started dating I figured out my calling from God is really to help others, and now I find that I can help others by bringing awareness to single teen parenting and teen pregnancy. I am so thankful that God has blessed me and keeps blessing me with my great fans! We are already up to 285 likes in less than a week! So everyone keep sharing, and keep posting. You guys rock!! You are the reason I keep doing this! I am so thankful!! So post your comments/questions/concerns/topics you want me to blog about. I am thinking about doing a vlog too... not sure how that would work out.... but ideas are welcome! I hope I am inspiring at least some of you out there, and hoping you spread the word about teen pregnancy... Thanks everyone!! Happy memorial day!!

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